Interpreting Your Dog’s Body Language

By right, dogs are pack animals, and as such must be able to communicate their intentions effectively, so as to avoid misunderstanding and unintended conflict. All breeds of dogs share the common language which is Doggy Speak. They communicate in far more ways than some might give them credit for: They do not just wag their tail – their posture, ears, teeth and eyes all communicate certain feelings as well.

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Dogs and Children

How many times have we seen Lassie save Timmy or some other child from disaster? What about Rin Tin Tin and Rusty? Who could forget Nana from Peter Pan? What about the flip side? How often do we hear reports of the family pet mauling a young child? How many pets are surrendered each year when a new baby arrives? How many pets are given up because owners find they have little time for the child and the dog? Dogs and kids can be the best or the worst match. What can you do to help ensure the best with your dog and child?

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Why All Dog Breeds Need to Fight

Breed Specific Legislations, BSLs for short, are becoming a reality in many communities and even entire countries. BSLs encompass a wide range of legislations from requiring special licensing or accommodations for certain breeds of dogs to the outright banning and elimination of them. This article is not going to discuss the reason why BSLs are wrong or ineffective: what it is going to do is look at why all breeds need to get active and fight. Just because your breed is not mentioned in a ban does not mean it never will be.

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Chewing and Biting in Dogs

Dogs chew for many reasons. Puppies explore with their mouths. Everything and anything will go in. When they begin teething, chewing eases discomfort and helps puppy teeth work their way out. Adults chew for fun, to alleviate boredom, because it feels good. Chewing is natural and to be expected. Your job it to teach your dog to chew only appropriate items.

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